
2007-08-17 10:20 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:linkrock 网友评论 条 浏览次数 698 转入论坛浏览
Mameinfo.dat v0.118u2 DIFF-Update更新,官方地址:http://www.mameworld.net/mameinfo/

- NOTE: If you are experiencing sound stuttering due to not being able to run your display at >60Hz, please give the -speed option a try. You should be able to run MAME at a small emulation speed decrease in order to get the game under your monitor's refresh rate.
- New games: El Grande and Trivia ? Whiz (Edition 3 - Vertical)
- New Non-Working games: Big Apple Games and Thayer's Quest
- New clones: Kickman (upright)
- New drivers: thayers.c
- TMS5220 sound: Further improvements to the emulation and more unification with the TMS5110 core
- bfm_sc2.c: Changed default layouts in BFM games to hide VFD by default since it is not visible
- asuka.c, exzisus.c and ninjaw.c: Cleaned up Taito drivers to use common defines for common input ports across drivers
- naughtyb.c: Fixed Z80 clock speed in Naughty Boy, Pop Flamer, Trivia Genius and Trivia Master
- nemesis.c: Fixed recently introduced regression in the video driver
- Boogie Wings: Fixed DECO16 tilemap drawing, this fixed the broken Data East logo on the attract mode and the background in the Transporter stage (boogwing0118yel)
- El Grande: Constructed a new memory map for this game. Reworked a whole set of inputs for this game. Patched some bad bits in GFX rom d1.u68 till a good dump appear. Updated technical notes.
- Mahjong Gakuen: Fixed green screen on startup and MAME gets frozen (mgakuen0106u1red)
- Pole Position/2: Removed redundant hard-coded definitions for pedals
- Raiden: Merged memory maps
- Raiden 2: Cleaned up the COP emulation code
- Starblade: Fixed MACHINE_RESET in the Namco System 21 driver, this fixed MAME crashes when you reset (starblad0113u3red)
- Trivia Genius
  . Fixed clock speed and colors
  . Added missing gfx2 rom and palette proms
- Dipswitch fixes in American Speedway, asuka.c, Bomb Jack, Exzisus and ninjaw.c
- MESS: Fixed HP Saturn CPU core disassembler
  . Added new experimental control for overall emulation speed. This lets you specify how fast/slow the gameplay should happen relative to the original. -speed 1.0 means run at normal speed. -speed 2.0 means run at 2x speed. -speed 0.5 means run at half speed. Note that the sound pitch is shifted as a result. If you are running early Namco games that normally run at 60.60Hz, you can run them at -speed 0.99 and it should run at under 60Hz, which should prevent sound stuttering if your monitor is not capable of greater than 60Hz refresh rates. If this turns out to be useful, future versions may support a -speed refresh parameter that automatically tweaks the speed to keep you under your monitor's refresh rate.
  . Changed INI parsing to look for source file INIs in /source first. This is to disambiguate INIs where the game name matches the source filename. If the INI file is not found in /source, then it is looked for in the  as before.
  . Improved fixes to the chdman CD creating code
- Debugger: Fixed disassembly of V30 bit instructions

Mame History.dat 1.18b更新,官方地址:http://www.arcade-history.com/index.php?page=news

Catlist 0.118u2 更新,官方地址:http://www.progettoemma.net/
