【新闻】Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] ver 0.117u2

2007-07-30 06:32 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:exiori 网友评论 条 浏览次数 829 转入论坛浏览

-=-| Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] ver 0.117u2 |-=-

        - This list was updated on 29-07-2007.

What's new :


        - Added The King of Fighters 2002 Remix Ultra 3.5 (FCHT/EGHT).
        - Updated some roms on The King of Fighters '97 (Yukimura Hack) set. (Hope for last time ...).
        - Updated some roms on The King of Fighters '99 Remix Pro200 Final ( FCHT ).
        - GUI: fixed crash bug in Directories dialog.
        - GUI: updated rom auditing code.
