【新闻】Ootake 1.07

2007-06-02 10:35 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:lzsgodmax 网友评论 条 浏览次数 698 转入论坛浏览

2007/06/02 1.07 released
- The processing of ADPCM voice was modeled on the movement of a real
  machine. "Top wo Nerae vol.1" came to operate.
- The CPU(HuC6280) processing part was sped up. I think that processing
  lightened in some measure of a personal computer environment so not fast.
- When "Garou Densetsu Special" or "Ryuuko no Ken" is played, it becomes
  "setting of CD-ROM access fast" automatically.
- "Show Debug Window" was added to "Setting->Tool" menu. (for Developer)
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
