Riff released version 0.5.0 of Nuance on Wednesday, the NUON emulator for PC’s. A great deal of effort has been made to make this version of the emulator as fast as possible.
Whats new in 0.5.0:
* Fixed TimeToSleep, making Snake playable again (but still requires disabling MIDI in source code)
* Fixed many compiler bugs, fixing Walkthru and Room demos
* Modified minibios initialization procedure to fix media MPE crashes when AudioInit called prior to SprInit
* Added support for SetISRExitHook BIOS routine
* Added syscall interface for improved program performance when running on emulator
* Added compiler support for bilinear memory access instructions and conditional branches. Virtually all instructions are now compilable.
* Added functionality required by the bootloader application.
* Eliminated need to set the DVDBase variable manually.
美国VM LABS公司开发的和xbox同时代的DVD光碟游戏机NUON,只可惜几乎没人关注,游戏数量也是少得可怜,当初提出计划的时候是立志要做成最强DVD载体游戏机的,但是因为种种原因一直延期,导致推出的时候机能已经落后了