CPU: Fixed a bug in the division SWI
CPU: Improved IRQ handling a bit
CPU: Added emulation of GetCrc16, GetSineTable, GetPitchTable and GetVolumeTable
GPU: Fixed a bug in the backdrop color selection that would sometimes occur
GPU: Fixed a bug in the rendering of 256-color r/s BGs (mode 4)
GPU: Modfied palette offset calculation for 256-color textures
GUI: Fixed a bug where the emulator would occationally freeze for a couple of seconds
GUI: Fixed a bug where CFlash initialization would sometimes fail when loading a ROM through the File menu
GUI: CFlash emulation is now automatically disabled when a compressed ROM is loaded (.zip/.7z)
GUI: Added a dummy sound emulation mode that works on computers with no DirectSound (EmulateSound=2 in dualis.ini)
GUI: Fixed a bug related to loading a ROM by double-clicking it in explorer
GUI: Added a "Recent" menu
GUI: Fixed some bugs in the map viewer
MMU: Fixed an LZ77 decompression bug
The full source of emulator is available (I use VS2005, but VS6 might also work), so if you're unhappy about some feature that is missing/broken, feel free to fix it yourself.