【新闻】街机模拟器Model 2 emulator 0.5

2007-05-25 17:02 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:lzsgodmax 网友评论 条 浏览次数 752 转入论坛浏览

This release fixes several playability bugs in Daytona USA (analog controls wraparound and windows disappearing when going to fullscreen) and adds a new playable game: Motor Raid.
It also contains a modified color lookup table processing that improves the colors in the original model 2 games (daytona, vcop and dtank).
The emulator now includes a nice icon and background image, thanks to jordigahan and Peabo for them.

  * Model 2 Emulator v0.5. This package includes both the normal and MultiCPU versions exes.

西班牙人又给我们带来了好东西!此模拟器前身是nebulaM2,唯一可以运行sega model2基板游戏的街机模拟器,此版本修正了梦游美国的一些bug,并修正了一些游戏的颜色模拟,新支持了一个游戏Motor Raid,另外加了一个程序图标以及背景图

