【下载】nullDC用视频shader:AntiAliasing Bloom Pixel Shader

2007-04-08 09:51 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:lzsgodmax 网友评论 条 浏览次数 1236 转入论坛浏览

Here is a mod of the pixel shader for the latest nullDC Public Beta 1 (Dreamcast Emulator). It will modify the colors to be more vibrant, and overbright the brights, while keeping the darks dark. In effect this is a close simulation of "Bloom" with AntiAliasing - adding a lot of quality!!! Replace ps_hlsl.fx with the new ps_hlsl.fx contained in this archive you download. If you wan't to further increase the quality, goto your graphics card settings for NVIDIA or ATI gpu and force antialiasing to a higher level, regardless of application spec.

