Xebra ( a.k.a Zebra ) version 070228 released - Playstation emulator

2007-03-02 21:26 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:mtkn 网友评论 条 浏览次数 682 转入论坛浏览
Actually , the emu has been released by the author on 28/02/2007 but it has been officially announced today.

This is a Japanese Playstation emulator , it's not the greatest , but it can run a lot of games which ePSXe can't run . But the emu is pretty hard to emulate but if you're an expert , you'll be fine .

News from Ngemu

Screenshots :

Changes :

_SPU:The relation among the key, the envelope process, and the adpcm decoding process was reviewed.
_Eithea will be playable.

