新的DC模拟器 nullDC status report [多图]

2006-08-25 17:45 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:luckywlx 网友评论 条 浏览次数 1694 转入论坛浏览

Some of you might still remember this announcement from early this year talking about a new dreamcast emulator called nullDC. Now, half a year later, we're happy to bring you a status update on this emulator today with some screenshots showing the great progress which has been made.

But let's start with some real facts directly from the authors this time: The authors are ZeZu, known from the never released Icarus project, and drk||Raziel. The emu, unlike mentioned in some other news posts, will not be open source. It uses plugins for emulating video / sound / input and gdrom functionality, so other authors will be able to contribute to the project easily.

During the development, the authors decided to set compatibility above speed. This resulted in a nice compatibility, but requires better hardware to emulate the games at full speed (an Athlon64 3000+ with a GeForce 6600 produces great results). As you can see on the screenshots, games such as Dead or Alive 2LE and Toy Commander are already playable and compatibility becomes better every day.

Watch this space for further informations on this emulator. A release date hasn't been set but shouldn't be too far away any more; don't ask for a specific date please.

» You can find more screenshots in our new nullDC gallery.

