模擬器介面也更改為 XP 樣式,並且也把模擬器所附帶的所有外掛程式全部都中文化了…汗
為了徹底中文化這款 PS 模擬器,我在中文化時測試 N 次要讓程式當掉,結果發現模擬器太耐用了…
之前有 PM 跟我求檔的朋友或是使用繁體系統的朋友,有興趣就下載測試吧(繁體版不好找喔)!

V0.19 版的更新內容如下:
Okay, some update some updates :) It's been awhile, but here are the changes:
.modified gpu timing opting for a "slower" update
.fixed spu_freeze crash at exit
.added spu_freeze for window "X" or close button
.fixed vagrant story in-game crash, due to translator memory alignment error.
.increased savestate number to 9 for the savestate crazy people.
.fixed crash-on exit bug caused by libbz2
.added the missing delete/markfree functions for the memcard manager
.fixed YUV to RGB conversion so that it doesn't cause crash on glitches (FF9)
.removed autoset.ini file since it confused some people
.replaced old "dos" box with a custom terminal (since I often get complaints that
it's ugly or whatever). This terminal allows you to do some things not present
in the GUI including saving custom configurations by using the 'REG'