New in This Version
When you buy VGB-Windows, you now also get VGB-MSDOS.
Added DirectDraw-based full screen mode to VGB-Windows. Press [ALT]+[ENTER] to switch in and out of the full screen mode. Use it with caution, as DirectDraw is notoriously unstable.
Z80 now executes one opcode after being taken off HALT and before calling an interrupt handler. This has fixed Final Fantasy Legend while keeping everything else operational.
Optimized sprite rendering a bit.
Fixed several bugs in the MIDI logging code and the Windows MIDI sound driver.
Added fast-forwarding option ([PAGEUP], also [F9] in Windows and Unix).
Added TV scanline simulation to VGB-Windows anf VGB-MSDOS.
Added debugger to VGB-Windows ([F1]).
Window size and position are now saved on exit in VGB-Windows.
Downloaded From 0day