ClrMamePro 3.62a (25-Feb-2005)
added: a little new toy...not documented yet...it's highly wip...and you use it on your very own risk. Only for people who use more than one profile ;) ...not that hard to find ;)
misc: settings-sets->select sets can use variables %m, %d, %s, %y and %b now. (manufacturer, description, sourcefile, year and bios) For example to only enable "Capcom" and sets from the years 2000-2009 sets you can enter: %m=*capcom*; %y=200*. The ";" here isn't a boolean AND, in fact it's an OR ;) Not Capcom games from 2000+, but all kind of sets from 2000+ and capcom sets (from any year) are selected.
misc: compiled with updated zipclass library (includes zlib 1.2.2)
misc: chd verify progress shows setname + chdfilename instead of full pathname.
misc: settings->remove removes all listed paths if you selected the root item
misc: dir2dat warns if the dat should be created in a non-existing folder
misc: removed fixdats restrictions (except remove-rebuilt-sourcefile)
misc: export dat exports biosyear and sourcefile tags, too
fixed: some errors can appear when you're using relative rompaths
ClrMamePro 3.62a
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