- 12-14 23:420231 - Titeuf: Mission Nadia (E)
- 12-14 23:202277 - Heidi: The Game (E)
- 12-13 21:480230 - Bokujou Monogatari Korobokkuru Station For ..
- 12-13 21:470229 - Big Mutha Truckers (E)
- 12-13 16:432275 - Final Fantasy IV (U)
- 12-13 16:422274 - Final Fantasy IV (J)
- 12-10 15:332273 - Summon Night Craft Sword Monogatari Hajimar..
- 12-09 00:240228 - Mario Kart DS (J)
- 12-09 00:232272 - Mario Tennis Power Tour (U)
- 12-09 00:212271 - Konjiki no Gashbell!! Yuujou no Zakeru Drea..
- 12-08 20:192270 - Super Donkey Kong Country 3 (J)
- 12-08 20:172269 - Sugar Sugar Rune Heart Ga Ippai (J)
- 12-08 16:320227 - Londonian Gothics Meikyuu no Lolita (J)
- 12-07 11:560226 - Burnout Legends (E)
- 12-07 11:522268 - Land Before Time Into The Mysterious Beyond..
- 12-07 00:310225 - Battles of Prince of Persia (E)
- 12-06 14:490224 - Elf Bowling 1 & 2 (U)
- 12-06 14:472267 - The Proud Family (U)
- 12-06 14:452266 - Care Bears - Care Quest (U)
- 12-06 14:432265 - Franklin The Turtle (U)
- 12-06 14:422264 - Crazy Frog Racer (E)
- 12-05 21:420223 - Animal Crossing: Wild World (U)
- 12-05 21:410222 - Pawa Puro Kun Poketto 8 (J)
- 12-05 21:362263 - Madagascar Operation Penguin (E)
- 12-05 21:352262 - Franklin's Great Adventure (E)
- 12-05 21:312261 - Dr Mario and Puzzle League (U)
- 12-02 08:040221 - Burnout Legends (U)
- 12-01 21:490220 - Soreike Anpanman (J)
- 12-01 21:480219 - Slime Morimori Dragon Quest 2 (J)
- 12-01 19:542260 - Dynasty Warriors Advance (E)