- 09-28 19:00Little League Baseball - Championship Series (U) [..
- 09-28 19:00Little League Baseball - Championship Series (U) [..
- 09-28 19:00Little League Baseball - Championship Series (U) [..
- 09-28 19:00Lipple Island (J) [hM02]
- 09-28 19:00Lipple Island (J)
- 09-28 19:00Lipple Island (J) [b1]
- 09-28 19:00Lipple Island (J) [hM02][b1]
- 09-28 19:00Lion King, The (Unl)
- 09-28 19:00Lion King, The (E)
- 09-28 19:00Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (Aladdin) (U) [o2..
- 09-28 19:00Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (Aladdin) (U)
- 09-28 19:00Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (Aladdin) (U) [o1..
- 09-28 19:00Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (Aladdin) (U) [b1..
- 09-28 19:00Linus Music Demo (PD)
- 09-28 19:00Link Bros (Final) (SMB1 Hack)
- 09-28 19:00Lil Stoner (Little Nemo Hack)
- 09-28 19:00Lifeforce (U)
- 09-28 19:00Lifeforce (U) [o3]
- 09-28 19:00Lifeforce (U) [p1]
- 09-28 19:00Lifeforce (U) [o2]
- 09-28 19:00Lifeforce (U) [o1]
- 09-28 19:00Lethal Weapon (U)
- 09-28 19:00Lifeforce (E) [!]
- 09-28 19:00Lethal Weapon (U) [o1]
- 09-28 19:00Lethal Weapon (U) [b1]
- 09-28 19:00Les Chevaliers Du Zodiaque (F) [!]
- 09-28 19:00Lesbian Tennis (Tennis Hack)
- 09-28 19:00L'Empereur (U)
- 09-28 19:00L'Empereur (U) [o2]
- 09-28 19:00L'Empereur (U) [a1]