Nintendo DS rom dumper v1.0 (NDS DUMP工具) by SMT (aka Silver Moon Team)
1) GBA flashcard. 2) FlashMe (patched firmware) or PassMe. 3) GBA Movie Player (v2). This might change in the future. 4) CompactFlash card without bad sectors. All contents will be erased by the dumper!
1) Flash dumper.nds.gba on GBA flashcart. 2) Place GBA flashcart into DS. 3) Place DS card to dump into DS. Use FlashMe or PassMe. 4) Turn on the DS and let the dumper program boot. 5) Insert GBA Movie Player with CompactFlash. 6) Press A button. 7) Do not move DS and wait until DS card needs to be reinserted. 8) Reinsert the DS card WITHOUT any PassMe. 9) Press A button. 10) Turn off DS. 11) Remove CompactFlash card and put into a PC reader. 12) Run the dumper utility on PC. 13) Spread the unmodified dump on the internet. 14) Apply (or run with wifi) the latest generic patcher/loader which is compatible with your GBA flashcard or Movie Player.
Keep your eyes open for the latest generic patcher/loader. We will add a savegame manager to it.