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您现在的位置:下载首页 -> FC -> Nestopia1.37  

软件名称 Nestopia1.37
所属分类 FC
授权方式 共享软件
软件大小 1050KB
运行环境 Win9x/Win200x/WinXP
推荐级别 强烈推荐
更新时间 2007-05-27 08:58:35
文件类型 ZIP
更新人员 Xiao555
下载统计 总计:2868



Version 1.37 released. What's new:

Shell Additions:

  • Menu option for DIP switch window popup on file load.
  • Movie recording now supported during netplay.

Shell Changes:

  • Smaller netplay data packets.
  • Minor GUI adjustments.
  • Refactoring.

Shell Fixes:

  • Scaling artifacts with NTSC filter on certain resolutions.
  • Auto NTSC/PAL window resize bug.
  • Sound stuttering on window clicks.
  • Netplay bugs/quirks.
  • Joystick auto-calibration bug.

Core Additions:

  • Mapper 63.
  • Mapper 121 and 134. Info from CaH4e3.
  • Mapper 136 for Sachen board SA-002 3011. Info from Enri.
  • Mapper 178 for "San Guo Zhong Lie Zhuan (Ch)". Info from temryu.
  • UNIF boards: AX5705, T-230, CTC-65 and 190IN1. Info from CaH4e3.
  • Adaptive sound streaming synchronization.
  • More optimization hints for GCC.
  • Database entries.

Core Changes:

  • Movie file format rewritten. Older files will no longer work (sorry, had to be done sooner or later). New format is much more flexible and extendable.
  • Lower memory consumption.
  • APU speed optimizations.
  • Most DIP switches are now configurable through dialogs instead being soft-reset-triggered.
  • Board names. Info from Pongbashi and Bootgod.
  • Refactoring.

Core Fixes:

  • Mapper 41 and 43.
  • Mapper 112. Fixes "Fighting Hero III". Info from temryu.
  • Minor save state inaccuracy.
  • FDS sound emulation inaccuracy. Fixes "Nazo no Magazine Disk - Nazoraa Land Dai 3 Gou".
  • Small rewinder bug.
  • Database entries.

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