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简介: clrmamepro 3.67a (01-Jul-2005) 惁熽揵)? v:9Q$? added: setinfo popupmenu to copy entries in the columns to clipboard (U漃彛.za^ added: profiler html report generation (profiler popupmenu) 虘z鹾= |FL misc: countless window / gui / menu / messagebox changes a汝顙茏? misc: compiled with updated zipclass library 7陷閊>}/ misc: made setinfo's crcsearch box auto-lowercase 畫矇DH;8? misc: datparsers show number of imported sets 儥?茓? misc: temporary renaming of history.dat/sysinfo.dat etc. to decrease exe output ?鹅?+瀋? misc: illegal backupfolder will be replaced with default backupfolder 蠿?災dO? fixed: fixdatfile headername/description got double fix_ prestring 2磃鍽廌2? fixed: crash in settings->rompath change if you haven't selected a valid path entry 騋宙??ザ fixed: rebuilder sourcefolder isn't remembered 8g詳 揸瀋?昏
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