尽管mame最近更新了model2的模拟,但目前仍旧只有elsemi的模拟器能够正常运行model2基板的游戏,新版本支持了Daytona USA等游戏,对自己机器有信心的赶紧下吧,此版本包括双核版 Here is it: The Model 2 Emulator supporting some Model 2 and Model 2 A-CRX boards (Daytona anyone? :) ). This version of the emulator includes a preliminary emulation of the Fujitsu MB86234 DSP present in these boards. Keep in mind that the emulation is still preliminary, as there is no documentation on this chip, and it has been done by reverse engineering the binary programs and comparing with the model 2B and 2C programs and the MAME Model 1 HLE. I'd like to thank Olivier Galibert and Ernesto Corvi for their help in making possible this DSP emulation.
Check the include README.TXT for instructions (especially how to set Daytona to Standalone machine as Multiplayer is not implemented) and known emulation bugs in the games.